Self care

Splitting: The Good With The Bad.

Splitting is the inability to see circumstances, relationships and situations as having both good and bad qualities. This polarized view of looking at the world can take a toll - when in reality, the good and the bad can, and often do, exist together.

Song: Portland Maine by Donovan Woods

Thankfulness: Why It's Important.

If we look hard enough, there are things in each of our lives that we can be thankful for. By incorporating the practice of thanksgiving or gratitude, we can influence our lifestyle and benefit emotionally, mentally, physically and relationally from it.

Song: Next to You - John Vincent III

Strengths & Weaknesses: It's What Makes You, You.

Strengths & Weaknesses: It's What Makes You, You.

You are unique and have individual gifts. Those giftings, or strengths, form your identity and can enhance the world around you. However, those strengths can also become overbearing when left to go to the extreme. This month Jason is putting out a call for mindfulness, for awareness towards tendencies, and for health.

Awareness: The State of Your Heart

Awareness: The State of Your Heart

This month, Jason extends a challenge to determine the state of your heart by evaluating the words that come out of your mouth.

Pastor Rick Warren is quoted in sharing that:

'A harsh tongue reveals an angry heart. A negative tongue reveals a fearful heart. A boasting tongue reveals an insecure heart. An overactive tongue reveals an unsettled heart. A judgmental tongue reveals a guilty heart. A critical tongue reveals a bitter heart.'

Jason has continued the quote by acknowledging that:

'A soft tongue reveals a content heart. A positive tongue reveals a peaceful heart. A humble tongue reveals a secure heart. A quiet tongue reveals a settled heart. A gracious tongue reveals a forgiven heart. An encouraging tongue reveals a grateful heart.'

Holistic Wellness - During a Time of Fatigue

This month with COVID fatigue rearing its head, I want to encourage you to tend to your health and wellness holistically. With the entire world having gone through a year of uncertainty, economic disruption, social connections being distanced and growing mental, physical, and spiritual health concerns, it is important to tend to each part of the self to experience continued wellness.

This means more than just eating kale and chia seeds (though those can have health benefits too!), and includes each part of yourself.

Look at the Wellness Wheel below, I would encourage you to take inventory of where your levels are at and strategies ways to increase your experience in the areas that might not be so full. A round wheel functions the best. What we want to see are whole and full sections representing health in all areas!


Protecting your Mental Health during Covid-19

Protecting your Mental Health during Covid-19

Covid-19 has swept across the world, so has hope and a concern for others. While it is important to stay physically healthy during this time, it is important to take care of your mental state also. Watch this Month’s Vlog for Jason’s 4 tips on how to protect your mental health during this time.

"It’s the most wonderful time of the year…”

"It’s the most wonderful time of the year…”

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” At least that’s what Andy Williams sang back in the 60’s.  With kids jingle belling, parties for hosting and of course all the mistletoeing. It’s supposed to be the hap-happiest season of all, but we know that unfortunately that’s not the case for many people.  For some this time of the year comes with greater stress, higher anxieties and deeper depression.