Is this my responsibility? (1 out of 2)

Responsibility; we all have it, but how we deal with it can vary person to person. The way you process responsibility can implicate many other areas in your life, including your relationships. In this months vlog we will look at four ways that people can deal with relationships, people can be throwers, catchers, holders or folders.

Click to see the vlog and gain valuable insight into how you or those around you relate to their surroundings. Make sure to forward this one on to friends and family that you believe could benefit from this, as we all step forward together into health and wellness within our relationships.

Feeling Moody?

Feeling Moody?

‘Am I a sensitive person? Or might I have bipolar?’ Many times people seek help due to experiencing seemingly unmanageable mood swings. This months vlog looks at some points in mood managing and when seeking further help might come in handy!

What is CBT?

What is CBT?

What is CBT? Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a modality of thinking and addressing concerns, thought patterns, and mental health. During this vlog, Jason will outline a few common irrational patterns of thinking and will encourage us to be intentional about how we view ourselves, those around us and the environments around us. Join us in cultivating good mental health.

Entering the new year with 4 eyes

Entering the new year with 4 eyes

Many people struggle with anxiety and depression, especially around the new year. Thinking about the past and stressing about the future can take away from the present. Jason is entering 2019 with 4 eyes… join us on his new vlog to gain further insight in how to transition healthily into a new season.

"It’s the most wonderful time of the year…”

"It’s the most wonderful time of the year…”

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” At least that’s what Andy Williams sang back in the 60’s.  With kids jingle belling, parties for hosting and of course all the mistletoeing. It’s supposed to be the hap-happiest season of all, but we know that unfortunately that’s not the case for many people.  For some this time of the year comes with greater stress, higher anxieties and deeper depression.