Focus, that’s what January brings every year. A time for individuals to assess, set goals and choose what they want to move towards in the coming year. Want to be healthy and happy? Remember that health is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and relational - you need all areas to be addressed.
Merry Christmas!
Broken Trust
Product, Process & People
Are you a sensitive person?
Sometimes dealing with people can be tricky - draining feeling even! If you take to heart everything that people say, this can definitely be the case. This month's vlog give us insight in how to interact with others and protect ourselves, especially when we are sensitive. The key? Catch and evaluate! We need to guard our hearts and not take in everything so as to not become overwhelmed or burdened by things that aren't true.
Integrity: Am I who I say I am?
Welcome back to August's vlog, where we will briefly unpack the importance of integrity! Displaying an alignment of your beliefs, thoughts, words and actions can be beneficial, both for your health and well being, as well as for those around you who interact and engage in life along side you. Integrity brings clarity.
Is this my responsibility? (1 out of 2)
Responsibility; we all have it, but how we deal with it can vary person to person. The way you process responsibility can implicate many other areas in your life, including your relationships. In this months vlog we will look at four ways that people can deal with relationships, people can be throwers, catchers, holders or folders.
Click to see the vlog and gain valuable insight into how you or those around you relate to their surroundings. Make sure to forward this one on to friends and family that you believe could benefit from this, as we all step forward together into health and wellness within our relationships.
Feeling Moody?
What is CBT?
What is CBT? Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a modality of thinking and addressing concerns, thought patterns, and mental health. During this vlog, Jason will outline a few common irrational patterns of thinking and will encourage us to be intentional about how we view ourselves, those around us and the environments around us. Join us in cultivating good mental health.